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joint production of those two writers. In the chap-
ter last mentioned, on page 222, there is a very Rogaine Buy sat-
isfactory account of the Flint murmur, and all three
of the chapters are excellent. We would particu-
larly commend the paragraphs on digitalis, begin-
ning on page 265. Chapter viii, on functional dis-
eases of the heart, is the work of Dr. Hoover, and it
is exceedingly instructive. In chapter ix, on con-
genital cardiac disease, by Dr. Maude E. Abbott, of
McGill University, we find instructive accounts of
many pathological conditions which are not usually
treated of in textbooks. Dr. Abbott makes exten-
sive use of the German word Rcchtslage; it certain-
ly has the advantage of brevity. In chapters x and
xi Dr. Osier deals with diseases of the arteries ;
chapter xii, by Dr. George Blumer, of the Yale
Medical School, is on thrombosis, embolism, and
phlebitis; and Dr. Where To Buy Rogaine Aldred Scott Warthin, of the De-
partment of Medicine of the Universit)' of Michi-
gan, finishes the first part of the volume with a
chapter on diseases of the lymphatic vessels. All Buy Rogaine
these writers deal acceptably with their themes.
Dr. Richard C. Cabot, of the Medical School of
Harvard University, contributes the first and sec-
ond chapters of Part II (chapters xiv and xv of the
volume), on the general pathology of the blood
forming organs and on pernicious and secondary
anaemia, chlorosis, and leuchaemia. We are glad to
see these positive statements in his section on chloro-
sis: "Chlorosis is one of the four or five diseases
now known to us which can be cured with a drug ;
despite some hypercritical skeptics, there is no
longer the slightest doubt of this Purchase Rogaine fact. In any case 5 Rogaine
of supposed chlorosis which does not yield readily
to iron administered in the proper manner and in
the proper dose we have reason for doubting the di-
agnosis." Dr. Cabot questions the propriety of
Lcube's term leucanasmia until the supposed condi-
tion can be more definitely diagnosticated; and we
think he is right. Chapter xvi, on purpura and
haemophilia, is by Dr. Joseph H. Pratt, of the Med-
ical School of Harvard University. It is a very sat-
isfactory chapter.
Part III opens with chapter xvii, on diseases of
the spleen, by Dr. Irving PhilHps Lyon, of the Med-
ical Department of the University of Buff'alo. Dr.
Lyon's account of kala-azar (tropical febrile spleno-
megaly) is particularly interesting. Chapters xviii
and xix, on diseases of Rogaine Price the thymus and on diseases
of the lymphatic glands, by Dr. Warthin, conclude
the volume. The author stoutly combats the dictum
that there is no such thing as thymic asthma. His
descriptions of that afi"ection, of thymic stridor, and
of the relation of thymic disease to sudden death are
goocl examples of vigorous and convincing writing.
In general, the mechanical work on the volume has
been well done, but we find far too many evidences
of inadequate proofreading. Wc will cite Rogaine Regaine only some
of the worst of them. In the list of contributors Dr.
Babcock is mentioned as connected with the "Mari-
am-Sims" Hospital ; on page 19 we find the follow-
ing foot note : "Mass dcr Ernudung der gesund
und Kranken Menchcn" (which should Regaine Rogaine he Mass der
Ermiidung der gcsunden und kranken Menschen) ;
on page 264 there occurs the expression "hydro-
chloride acid" ; and on page 681 we find "data is"
(in the foot note). It is a pity that such a noble
work should be so disfigtu'ed.
Studies from the Institute fur Medical Where Can You Buy Rogaine Research, Federated
Malay States. Volume III, part 3. Breeding Grounds of
Culicidic, by C. W. Daniels, M. B. (Camb.), M. R. C. S.
(Eng.), Director of the Institute for Medical Research,
Federated Malay States. The Culicida of Malaya. By
G. F. Leicester, M. B., C. M. (Edin.), Assistant in the
Institute for Medical Research, Federated Malay States.
Singapore, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Yokahatna: Kelly
& Walsh, Limited, 1908. (Price, is. 6d.)
The third part of volume three of the Studies
from the Institute for Medical Research, located at
Kuala Lutnpur, Federated Malay States, is a tech-
nical volume on the mosquitoes of the peninsula.
The volume opens with a paper by Dr. C. W. Dan-
iels, formerly director of the institute, but now of
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breeding grounds of the various mosquitoes to lie
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the peninsula. The volume Where Do You Buy Rogaine was in press when the
fourth volume of Theobald's Monograph of the
Culicida of the World was published, so that some
of the species described in this volume will be found
to have dififerent names in the book by Theobald.
The book will Rogaine Coupons be of great value to those working in
medical entomology.
Die Seelenwunden des Kulturmenschen. Von Stand-
punkte moderner Psychologic und NerVenhygiene. Geda-i- Rogaine Canada
ken 2u einer wissenschaftlichen Religion. Von Dr. Rogaine In Canada Karl
Oelker. Zurich : H. Zimmermann, 1908. Pp. 214.
Bibliotheque de therapeutique. Publiee sous la direction
de A. Gilbert, professeur de therapeutique a la Faculte de Rogaine 5
medecine de Paris, et P. Carnot, professeur agrege de
therapeutique a la Faculte de medecine de Paris. Physio-
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Bier-hydrotherapie. Par les Docteurs Fraikin, Grenier de
Cardenal, Constensoux. Tissie, Delageniere, Pariset. Avec
114 figures dans le Coupon For Rogaine texte. Paris: J. B. Bailliere et fils, 1909.
Pp. 404.
Studies from the Institute for Medical Research, Fed- ,
erated Malay States. Volume III, Part III. Breeding j
Grounds of CuHcidse. By C. W. Daniels, M. B., Camb., j
M. R. C. S., Eng., Director of the Institute for Medical |
Research, Federated Malay States. The Culicidae of |
Malaya. By G. F. Leicester, M. B., C. M., Edin., Assistant I
in tbe Institute for Medical Research. Federated Malay '
States. Singapore : Kelly & Walsh, Limited, 1908. Pp. 269. | Price Of Rogaine
Les Erytliemes graves Where Do I Buy Rogaine (syndrome erythemateux), Prin- [
cipalement au cours de la fievre typhoide. Par le Dr. Mar-
cel Poisot, ancien interne des luipitaux de Paris, etc.
Paris : Jules Rousset, 1908. Pp. 208.

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