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Related post: Foetal pulse before operation, 144; at birth, 168.
D. Meredith Reese.
The Ofdld.— The child (vide Plate V, Figs. Mexitil 200mg 8 and 9) cried lust-
ily the moment it was lifted out of the uterus; there was, there-
fore, no apncea Buy Mexitil in consequence of the rapid delivery. He had a
slightly cyanosed appearance. His pulse at birth was 168, in
contrast with 144 in nfero, and 158 half an hour later. The first
efTorts at breathing were perfectly natural.
He measured. Hexed, 24 ctm. ; extended, 49 ctm. ; hips, 9-75 ;
shoulders, 12 ctm. ; dorso-sternal diameter, 8 ctm. Head, oc-
cipito-frontal diameter, 11'75 ctm. ; circumference, 34 ctm. Oc-
cipitomental diameter, 14 ctm. ; circumference, 35-5 ctm. Sub-
I'ccip. breg. diameter, 10'5 ctm. ; circumference, 31 ctm. 151-
|iarietal diameter, 9 ctm. ; bi-temporal diameter, 8"25 ctm.
The head was beautfuUy rounded, being utterly free from
any trace of molding, as can be seen by reference to photo-
graphs 8 and 9. His weigh was 3,175 grammes (seven pounds).
ConraliHcence. — The recovery of the mother from the opera-
tion was exceedingly satisfactory. After the first few hours of
pain she had no more disturbance than a normal puerperal case.
The pulse taken morning and evening for seven days after the
operation, added together and divided by 14, averaged 80.
Only once did the temperature go above 100°, and that
was in the evening of the second day, when it rose to l(i0'2''.
The temperature for the week following the Mexitil Buy operation is shown
graphically on the following chart.
The abdominal stitches were removed on the sixth day.
The wound had healed perfectly throughout without suppura-
tion {ride Plate V, Fig. 10), leaving an excellent scar. She got
lint of bed on the fourteenth day.
The baby, baptized .loseph Cesarina, nursed the morning
fallowing the operation, and continued to nurse afterward every
two hours in the daytime, as after normal labor. In about
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地區:New York,
最後使用紀錄:Tuesday, 26 November 2013, 12:43 PM  (4044 日 17 小時)