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Related post: contract. Kephir is useful when the stomach secretes
an excessive amount of hydrochloric acid, especially as a
medicine. Milk should always be boiled or sterilized.
M. Grancher recommends Tylenol Precise cereals, especially rice,
which, he says, is perfectly digested if it is cooked prop-
erly. Dry vegetables, such as beans, peas, etc., are good
articles of diet; green vegetables may be considered only
fairly good, as they are composed chiefly of water and
cellulose. Desserts, with the exception of cheese, par-
ticularly Gruyere, and cooked fruits without butter and
without sugar, are to be avoided; as a substitute, custard,
not very sweet, may be eaten.
Regarding drinks, red wine is rarely permitted; spring
water, pure or mixed with a little white wine or beer,
is the best of drinks. Milk, however, may be Aspirin Vs Tylenol very use-
ful in moderate quantities. Beer is agreeable and use-
ful; so are hot drinks, such as weak tea and cofl^ee.
Commelina (Yerba del Polio). — In the June num
ber of the American Journal of Pharmacy will be found
an interesting article by Mr. Alfonso Herrera, of Mexico,
who states that T3 Tylenol several plants of the family Commelinacece
are known in Mexico by this name. He refers to many
experiments undertaken in regard to the efficacy of this
plant as a ha2mostatic. The Otc Tylenol Aztecs, he says, used it to
cure fevers, headaches, tumors, and haemorrhages, and
to give relief in childbirth. Almost three centuries
later Alzate made known to his countrymen Tylenol Plus the remark-
able activity of this plant in stopping the flow of blood
from wounds, but his efforts were useless, and the plant
remained unnoticed until the year 18G3, when the ex-
periments of Hernandez and Alzate were repeated, physi-
cians were induced to use it, and its active principle was
sought for.
Regarding the analysis of this plant, Mr. Herrera
found that ammonia was obtained, even at an ordinary
temperature, by wetting the powdered plant and mix-
ing it Tylenol Prices with lime Tylenol In Uk or the carbonate of potassium. The
dried plant also yielded chlorophyll when treated with
ether. The following principles, he says, are contained
in the Yerba del Polio: In the juice, acetic acid; in the
extract, Jr Tylenol ammonium acetate, potassium chloride, Tylenol Vs Aspirin albumi-
noids, vegetable albumin, chlorophyll, extractive, and
Regarding its therapeutic uses, Mr. Herrera states
that the most distinguished physicians of Mexico use the
extract of commelina as a kind of hjemostatic in the
treatment of metrorrhagia Motrin Vs Tylenol and haemoptysis, administer-
ing it in pills in the latter, and in injections in the
former. They employ it, too, as an active remedy in leu-
corrhoea and as a general haamostatic in capillary haemor-
rhage. The extract is to be given in pills containing one
or two grains, Tylenol Er and from twenty-four to forty-eight pills
may be taken in a day. The injections are made by add-
ing from a drachm to an ounce of the extract to a pint
of water. For wounds, cataplasms may be made from the
powder of the plant, or a concentrated solution of the
extract may be applied by means of lint.
Mr. Herrera quotes the following from the proceed-
ings of the Academia de Medicina de Mexico, session of
February 21, 18GG: "Dr. Lucia has repeatedly used Precise By Tylenol
commelina to cure metrorrhagia, and always with success.
Dr. Villagran has also used the extract in injections, Tylenol T3 the
dose being a drachm to a pound of water, to cure metror-
rhagia, and has always obtained the most satisfactory re-
sults. He has lately used it in an instance of cancer in
the Canadian Tylenol stomach, and has attained most unexpected success.
Dr. L. Jimenez has also been fortunate in the use of in-
jections of extract in two cases of uterine cancer, and in
leucorrhoea accompanied with chlorosis. Dr. Miguel
Jimenez has used the extract since the year 18G4, and has
made many experiments with the plant which prove its
activity as a hasmostatic. The greatest results are ob-
tained, according to this Tylenol Vs Motrin physician, Tylenol Jr by the dose of a
drachm in a pound of water. Its utility is incontestable
in uterine cancer, but it is also useful in other forms of
hfemorrbage. Tylenol 325mg Dr. M. Jimenez remembers an instance
of haemoptysis in which he was surprised by the good re-
sults obtained with this medicine, for it prolonged the
life of the patient in an unexpected manner. He Tylenol Es has also
used it to cure hemorrhoidal flux with success. He has
failed, however, in some other cases of bsemoptysis, on
account, perhaps, of the patient vomiting, which pre-
vented the Whats In Tylenol action of the remedy."
Holocaine. — In this new agent, says Dr. Hasket
Derby, in the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal for
June 3d, we have a remedy that is likely to supplant co-
caine in many cases of ophthalmic surgery, and its ad-
vantages are as follows: 1. It does not enlarge the pupil.
2. It does not afi'eet the accommodation. 3. It does
not increase the intraocular pressure. 4. It Precise Tylenol promotes
antisepsis. 5. It may be used when cocaine is contra-
The author states that holocaine possesses strongly
poisonous properties, and that this fact prevents it from

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最後使用紀錄:Thursday, 28 November 2013, 08:41 AM  (4042 日 21 小時)