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Related post: losis, with Xllustrative Cases. By Prince A. Morrow, M. D. [Reprinted from the Journal of Cutaneons and Genito-urinary Diseases.] Sur Taction toxitjue et antiseptique de ehloroforme et de I'ether. Par le Dr. J. F. Heymans, membre titulaire. [E.xtrait des Annales de la Sociili de midecine de Gand.] Cystic Degeneration of the Muscular Fibers of the Heart. A Form of Disease hitherto Undescribed. By Arthur V. Meigs, M. D. [Re- printed from the Tramactions of the College of Phyncians of Philadel- phia.] A Series of Fifty Consecutive Operations for Cataract. By Robert L. Randolph, M. D., Baltimore. [Repriuted from the Joh?is Hopkins Hospital Bulletin.'] Bermerkungen zu dem Artikel des Herm Gleitsmann : " Ein neues und einfaches Verfahren zur Beseitigung der unangenehmen Folgezu- stande nach Gebrauch der Galvanocaustik Prevacid Coupon bei What Is Prevacid Hvpertrophien der Nase." Von W. Freudenthal, M. D., New York. [Aus der New Yorker medi- eini^ehen Monatsschrift.] Elements of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, including the whole of the Remedies of the British Pharmacopoeia of 1885 and ijs Appen- dix of 1890. By C. E. Annand Scniple, B. A., M. B. Cantab., M. K. C. P. Lond., etc. With Four Hundred and Forty Illustrations. London : Longmans, (irecn, k Co., 1K92. Pp. xxxii to 480. A Manual of Practical Obstetrics. By Edward P. Davis, A.M., M. Online Prevacid D., Clinical Lecturer on ()bstetric8 in the Jefferson Medical College, etc. With One Hundred and Forty Illustrations, two of winch are colored. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Son, k Co., 1891. Pp. 8-9 to 298. Spectacles and Eyeglasses ; their Forms, Mounting, Coupons For Prevacid and Proper Ad- justment. By R. J. Phillips, M. D., Instructor in Diseases of the Eye, Prevacid Coupons Philadelphia Polyclinic and Is Prevacid Otc College for Graduates in Medicine, etc. Philadelphia: P. HIakiston, Son, & Co., 1892. Pp. viii-17 to 97. The -Etiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment of the Prevalent Epidemic of Quackery. (An Address delivered, by invitation of the Faculty of the Medical Department of Generic For Prevacid the Buffalo University, before the Graduating Class, May 3, 1892.) By George M. (Jould. Generic Prevacid M. D., of Philadelphia. [Reprinted from the Medi/al Neirs.] i s c c 1 1 Coupon For Prevacid a n g . Does Organic Disease of the Heart preclude the TTse of Chloroform in Parturition 1— This was the title of a paper read bv Dr. T. Ri