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Related post: patient was in the habit of going on sprees for about three or four weeks in each year and during each of these times the epileptic symptoms would appear. Dr. James Hcndrie Lloyd, of Philadelphia, Buy Cheap Timolol stated that he did not consider that there was any distinct form of epilepsy that could be properly called "al- coholic epilepsy." He was rather inclined to look upon alcohol as one of a class of a number of causative agents of this condition, and he also ex- pressed the opinion that it was quite as likely that the epilepsy acted as a cause of the patient becoming an inebriate. It was thought well to confine the classification of these conditions Purchase Timolol Online to as few headings as possible, as too large a variety of names for the same disease would be apt to lead to confusion. I io68 AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATIOX [N. V. Med. Jour., Dr. J, M. Keniston, of Aliddletuwn, Connecticut, stated tliat in his experience, wiiicli had been en- tirely confined to male epileptics, the symptoms did not disappear on the removal of the Order Timolol alcohol, and that there had been a marked tendency towards de- mentia among these patients. Dr. A. B. Richardson, of Washington, stated that he considered in tracing the setiology of these cases we should take into consideration the heredity and condition of Buy Timolol Online health Purchase Timolol of the patient, and he expressed the opinion that there were very few cases that could be traced directly to alcohol. Dr. Herdman stated he felt that there were many other causes that would account for the epilejfiR- convulsions and he did favor the classification of alcoholic epilepsy as a separate variety. Dr. Richard Deivey, of Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, reported the case of a man who had never indulged in alcohol to excess except upon one or two occa- sions, and at each of these times Timolol Mg he had suffered from epileptic convulsions. Dr. F. Sai'ary Pearcc, of Philadelphia, stated that he believed a great many of these attacks were due to Timolol Cost an acute congestion of the brain, and reported the case of a man who during the recent warm spell was seized with an attack of typical epilepsy. When seen by the speaker he was suffering from his fourth convulsion ; venesection was promptly performed, and in a few days the patient was apparently well. In closing the discussion Dr. Crothers stated that while there was no doubt that there were very many other causes for epilepsy, yet he felt that such a dis- tinct number were brought on by this factor that we were justified in making Order Timolol Online such a classification. The Babinski Phenomenon in Insane Epileptics (Results of a Thousand Observations), was the title of a ])aper read by Dr. J. M. Kexiston, Timolol Tablets of Mid- dletown, Connecticut, in which particular attention was directed to the reflexes, especially the plantar; these had been little noticed by the majority of writers. After giving an abstract of available lit- erature and the methods of testing and precautions, he gave a brief report of 35 cases, including two au- topsies, and a brief resume of the results Timolol Price of 1088 tests directly after clonus had ceased, and a similar number one hour later. In each case the individual intervalliary reflex obtained Ijv numerous tests was used as a basis for comparison. SECTION IN PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY. Address of the Chairman. — The address of Dr. Fr.\nk IS.Wv.w, chairman of the Section on Physi- ology and Pathology, was devoted largely to the evolution of the pathological exhibit as a feature of medical society work. In his review of the devel- opment of the movement he gave due credit for its origin to the Indiana State Medical Society, .\fter two or three years' trial of the pathological exhibit idea in this organization, proving its great useful- ness. Dr. W. W. Keen, President of the American Medical .\ssociation felt warranted in appointing a committee to inaugurate a similar exhibit at the At- lantic City meeting of the American Medical Asso- ciation. Although unofficial, the project was car- Generic Timolol ried to a most successful issue and made a perma- nent feature of the association. The complete and official consummation of the Pathological Exhibit, in a national sense, Buy Timolol was not accomplished until the St. Paul meeting, where a magnificent collection of over 2,100 exhibits was presented. Although the assembling of such a fine array of pathological ma- terial was an achievement on which the committee felicitated themselves, the very magnitude of the collection was a hindrance to its greatest usefulness. Careful observers must have been impressed with the fact that only casual and superficial inspection was possible. Systematic demonstration of so many specimens was practically out of the question. Hence, much valuable material stood upon the the shelves unseen and impotent for educational advancement. Future tendencies would be to con- dense and specialize the pathological exhibit. Cer- tain phases of pathology should be illuminated by groups of specimens. The subject to be so illus- trated might be varied from year to year, -according to tendencies in the medical world. 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