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Related post: and the posterior margin of the hyoglossus with the
styloglossus passing over it. Retract the stylo-
glossus downwards (the hypoglossal nerve is below
the operative field), draw the posterior belly of the
digastric with the great vessels backwards; if the
stylopharyngeus comes into view it is also drawn
backwards with the glossopharyngeal nerve. The
superior and middle constrictors are now exposed
in the iloor of the wound. Carry the dissection up-
wards beneath Cataflam Tablets the jaw, following along the internal
pterygoid as far as possible. 7. Dry the wound
thoroughly and then pack it with gauze nnpregnated
with vaseline. (If tracheotomy was not done at the
beginning of the operation it should now be per-
formed and the pharynx plugged.) 8. Drill the jaw
in two places near its lower border just in front of
the masseter. Saw through the jaw obliquely. 9.
Draw the ascending ramus outwards, cutting the
internal lateral ligament if necessary. Define the
lingula with the finger, and pass a hook around the
inferior dental nerve, draw it from its canal and
cut off. If the inferior dental artery is seen it
should be secured. 10. Pass a finger into the mouth
and place its tip against the anterior margin of
the growth. Open the pharynx with scissors in
front of the finger. Continue the incision upwards
and downwards until its ends are beyond the limits
of the growth. Change the glove of the infected
hand. Seize the divided edges with forceps and cut
backwards from the ends of the incision until the
growth can be delivered from the wound ; draw it
outwards Cataflam Diclofenac and divide its posterior Cataflam 50mg attachment. This-
step might be performed wit hthe galvanocautery,,
the surface Cataflam Novartis of the tonsil being cauterised as it was.
Pirii 01- CURRENT UTEk.liUKI--
INlw Vork
Medical Journal.
drawn out. ii. Suture tlit pharynx with two layers
of stout catgut. The edges should be turned in to-
wards the throat. The first layer should be inter-
rupted, commencing at the bottom, the ends of the
stitches being left long in order to draw down the
upper and more inaccessible parts of the wound.
However wide the opening may be an attempt
should be made to draw together the edges. This
will most likely be possible in the lower part of the
wound where the pharyngeal walls are more freely
movable. 12. T.ake out the petrolatum gauze pack-
ing and remove the clamp from the carotid. Tie
any vessels that may bleed. 13. If any of the mus-
cles of deglutition have been divided in the course
of the operation they may now be' sutured. Re-
place the ramus of the jaw and wire it in position.
14. Close the wound, leaving the upper part open
for a large drainage tube which must pass down
to the pharyngeal suture line and should be packed
round with gauze. A smaller tube should be placed
in the lower angle of the incision.
Jttly iS, J90H.
1. The Lipoids, By Hexri Iscovesco.
2. Trial of a New Therapeutical Method,
By Rene de G.'Vuliac.
3. Have the Misdeeds of Syphilis Been Exaggerated?
By R. Rom ME.
I. Lipoids. — Iscovesco follows Overton in
designating by this name substances which may be
extracted from the fluids or the pcranchyma of tis-
sue by the solvents of fatty matters, such as ether,
chloroform, and benzol. These bodies Cataflam 25mg present
marked analogies with fat and Buy Cataflam form with water col-
loidal pseudosolutions. They are quite numerous,
and the writer proposes to divide them into four
groups, the neutral fats, the fatt\ acids, the soaps, Novartis Cataflam
and the lipoids proper. The latter he subdivides
into two classes, those which contain phosphorus
and those which do not. He then discusses then-
preparation, their distribution in the organism, and
their physicochemical properties.
July 22, njoS.
1. Locomotor Ataxia and Surgery,
By Professor Debove.
2. Urban Hygiene m China, By J. J. Matignon.
I. Locomotor Ataxia and Surgery. — Debove
concludes that locomotor ataxia presents a condition
which foi;bids the intervention of the surgeon.
July 22, irjoS.
The Part Played by the Lipoid? in the Phenomena of
Hemolysis, By L. .^mbard.
The Part Played by the Lipoids in the Phe-
nomena of Haemolysis. — Ambard presents a crit-
ical review of the literature on this subject and
concludes that the study of this Cataflam D question is not suffi-
ciently advanced to permit the formatinn nf aiu
general conclusions.
July 2(), KioS.
Suburethral Abscess in Woman, By F. Lkjaks.
Suburethral Abscess in Woman. — Lejars re-
ports a case of abscess beneath the urethra at the
mouth of the vagina ntet with in a woman thirlv-
seven years of age. He then discusses the analnmy
of the jieriurethral region Cataflam 50 Mg and various tumors nu-i
with there.

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最後使用紀錄:Tuesday, 10 December 2013, 06:08 AM  (4030 日 8 小時)